...pudding - diary

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_ [Software][Notes] LotusScript で Trigram の Compare

先日の日記に書いた String::Trigram の件、これに含まれてる Compare が、俺にはたいそう便利で。

LotusScript 内で使いたくなったので書いてみた。

ngramCompare(n As Integer, Str1 As String, Str2 As String)

n : 数値。n-gram の n。とりあえず 3 でいいんじゃね?

Str1 : 比較文字列1

Str2 : 比較文字列2

Str1 と Str2 を n-gram で比較して、類似度を 0〜1 の間で返します。

Sub Initialize
	Dim Str1 As String
	Dim Str2 As String
	Dim n    As Integer
	n    = 3
	Str1 = "kangaroo"
	Str2 = "kanagaroo"
	Print ngramCompare(n,Str1,Str2)*100
End Sub
Function ngramCompare (n As Integer, Str1 As String, Str2 As String)
	Dim Str1len As Integer
	Dim Str2len As Integer
	Dim i,j,k   As Integer
	Dim acount  As Integer
	Dim hcount  As Integer
	Dim Str1c   As String
	Dim Str2c   As String
	Dim Str1tmp As String
	Dim Str2tmp As String
	Str1c = Strconv(Str1,(1+4+32+512))
	Str2c = Strconv(Str2,(1+4+32+512))
	For k=1 To n-1
		Str1c = "_" & Str1c & "_"
		Str2c = "_" & Str2c & "_"
	Str1len = Len(Str1c)
	Str2len = Len(Str2c)
	For i = 1 To (Str1len-n+1) 
		Str1tmp = Mid(Str1c,i,n)
		For j = 1 To (Str2len-n+1) 
			Str2tmp = Mid(Str2c,j,n)
			If Str1tmp = Str2tmp Then
				hcount = hcount + 1
			End If
	acount = ((Str1len-n+1) + (Str2len-n+1)) - hcount
	ngramCompare = hcount / acount 
End Function

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Twitter : @moriya_jp